Submit Your Event

We will be happy to list your event at if it is the type of event that will appeal to the broader community. We will review your event submission with this criteria in mind. A listing is not guaranteed but, if it will be of interest to the larger community, we will list it.

The required fields in the form are Event Name, Event Location and Event Description. The other fields are not required but will provide helpful information about your event and are encouraged.

Please note that Contact Name and Contact Phone are required but will not be published on These are required in case we need to contact you about your submission.

Enter Event Information
Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.
Event Name*
Event Location*
Event Info Phone #
Web Site URL
Event Description
Contact Name (not published on website)*
Contact Phone (not published on website)*

Please enter the word that you see below.


ATTN: Business Owners!

Submit your free descriptive listing and tell our everyone about your specialties or what makes your business unique. More info.

If you already have a listing, please review it for any needed changes. With our easy-to-use correction form updates are a snap!

Sharing Your Opinion is Easy!

What's on your mind? Submit your commentary on Dothan news, our elected leaders or anything else that you think the members of our community might find interesting. Sharing your opinion is easy, just click here and then type!

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